The Audition Season Bundle


Or so I thought, until I was 21 years old. I was a dedicated premed student destined to become a doctor. I had two science degrees from one of the greatest universities in the world. A few months later I’d have a medical school acceptance in my hands. 



The only issue was I had been chasing the wrong dream. My heart was being pulled in another direction. I needed to dance with every fiber of my being.  

My greatest fear was one day turning 80 years old and looking back, wishing I had at least tried to become a professional dancer. I would stay up all night dreaming about what it would be like to dance on big stages and live out my heart’s greatest desires.

Changing careers and starting from zero in my early twenties was a huge setback. 

I had to figure out the audition process completely on my own. 

Four years later, I have successfully landed my dream jobs and contracts multiple times over. Currently I am actively performing as an independent artist. 



Audition season doesn’t have to be daunting. Let’s do this together.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could just wave a magic wand and get all of these things AT ONCE??

Just imagine...

An audition guide that showed you exactly how to write a cover letter and structure your resume. How to take and edit headshots, dance photos, and video footage. No more messy google searches and 59 tabs open.

Specific workouts you follow instantly on your phone to become a dancer with extraordinary athleticism, unshakeable confidence, and fierce discipline.

An exact blueprint to effortless jumps that transcend gravity, captivating audition panels with your powerful jumps.

Exercises to build foot + ankle strength and prevent injury by stabilizing one of the areas under most stress in our sport. Hello, fierce pointework.

Mindset tools to become truly unstoppable in your audition season and career.


What if I told you...that resource exists only one place in the world...




In this EXCLUSIVE bundle, you’ll receive:

🎯The Audition Season Survival Guide PDF

🎯TBB App Monthly Subscription FIRST MONTH FREE

🎯JUMPstart Course

🎯Foot and Ankle Foundations Course

🎯Mindset Magic PDF


Audition Season Survival Guide PDF ($57)

The ULTIMATE step-by-step guide to mastering audition season. Seriously, good luck trying to write cover letters and research companies without it.

In this 42 page guide you will find

  •  extensive lists of summer intensive, college dance programs, and professional companies
  •  insider tips on creating photo and video materials to help your applications SHINE
  •  resume and cover letter templates
  •  how to SIMPLIFY your list of programs based on your goals
  •  the BEST questions to ask at interviews
  •  mindset tools for audition day
  •  travel bag necessities
  •  master audition checklist

No more messy google searches and 59 tabs open.

All the info you need, in one place. 

TBB App Monthly Subscription ($33)

For the dancer who desires extraordinary athleticism, unshakeable confidence, and fierce discipline.

If you are ready to take power into your own hands when it comes to cross-training, push past your limits, and optimize your performance as a high-level dance athlete, the TBB App is for you.

As a member of the TBB App, you will receive a recurring training plan with access to the exercises that will serve as your roadmap to unlocking your inner athlete.

The TBB App includes 5 training days per week and rotates on a 12 week training split. Progressions in difficulty will allow you to skyrocket your athleticism throughout the duration of the program.

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Home programs available.

***Annual Subscription not eligible


JUMPstart Course ($297)

The exact blueprint to get you from average to standout.

Captivate audition panels with your powerful jumps.

Become the no-brainer casting decision for jumping roles. Bulletproof your body from injury for life.

JUMPstart is the fast track to achieving effortless jumps that transcend gravity. 

In this self-paced course you will receive 

10 video modules on the following topics:

  •  How to achieve effortless quality jumps
  •  How to boost your stamina in class and rehearsal
  •  How to prevent injuries and promote career longevity for decades 
  •  How to build confidence in jump combinations and choreography
  •  How to generate more power and increase your jump height
  •  How to improve your reaction time and precision in quick footwork
  •  How to optimize pointe work in jumps
  •  How to navigate landings and transitions with ease 
  •  How to break old patterns and habits that are harming your jump technique
  •  How to stand out as a strong jumper 

The EXACT exercises that will create this transformation, delivered via:

  •  An ebook including 3 example workouts targeted specifically to jumps
  •  A library of 50 exercise video demos
  •  Form cues to perform each exercise safely and effectively


Foot and Ankle Foundations Course ($97)

Foot and Ankle Foundations is for the dancer who wants to improve strength and coordination of the foot musculature, and prevent injury by stabilizing one of the areas under most stress in our sport.

If you desire increased stability, power, strength, agility, and mobility at the foot and ankle, then this course is for you.

In Foot and Ankle Foundations you will receive access to exercises designed to optimize the performance of dance athletes of all styles: ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, contemporary, modern, hip hop, etc.

As a member of this self-paced course you can expect a vast compilation of 55 exercises with video demonstrations of each.


Mindset Magic PDF ($17)

Mindset Magic is for the dancer who would like to overcome limiting beliefs and self doubt to manifest the highest version of themselves as an athlete and human.

If you desire greater mindfulness, self discovery, confidence, and fulfillment in your every day life, Mindset Magic is for you.

This instant PDF download includes 25 affirmations and 30 journal prompts for dancer wellbeing. Instant access upon purchase.



ALL OFFERS INCLUDED are available instantly upon purchase. You will be sent a single-use coupon for your first month free of the TBB App, giving you the option to choose any level.

Can be sent as a gift at checkout, select "Send as a gift."

 Those who act early in Audition Season are the most successful.

SAVE OVER $50 with the bundle as opposed to buying offers separately.

Let’s help you land the job or program of your DREAMS.

Terms of Use


© 2024 The Barbell Ballerina. All Rights Reserved.


What Dancers Are Saying:

After an injury that occurred nine years ago, I have avoided large jumps, even after completing physical therapy. I began the TBB monthly program in February and started the JUMPstart course and Foot and Ankle Foundations course in March. Today, I jumped without pain. I have lifted for years to maintain my health, strengthen my body, rehabilitate and prevent injury, and to lengthen my dance career. The Barbell Ballerina offerings are far superior to previous routines I have used because TBB courses give results. The programs are based in science and tailor-made for dancers. So far, I have learned that the progressive work and scientific-based structure of TBB training programs address my whole body working as a unit, train my neurological response to stimuli, and strengthen my soft tissue response to increasing load demands. A solid foundation in the athleticism of dance allows me to grow in the artistry of dance and fulfill my body's potential as an artistic medium of expression. I adore these programs.

Meredith T.

I found the guide super helpful last audition season! The list of companies was super helpful since I had no idea where to start when building my list. Having all the information on videos, photos, and the other required materials all in one place was really nice as well. I feel like TBB helped me a lot with my confidence and strength last audition season and up till now. I felt like I was able to hold my own in the auditions no matter how well it went for me, and I eventually got my first offer as a freelancer! I was hired to be in a nutcracker this season and the first show is tomorrow night!

Hannah A.

Your program has helped me gain the strength endurance and stamina for my company! Its the healthiest I've been in my 20 years of dancing 💕 thank you for creating something that empowers myself and my passion 💕✨

Rebeca C.

I'm sure you're used to hearing this, BUT I just wanted to tell you that my petit allegro and big jumps have both gotten so so much better. I'm 5'11" and I grew up in a Vaganova being grown and having to do petit allegro has been hard. My jumps are so quick and I feel like I'm actually being artistic with my jumps. I have never ever ever felt like that! So THANK YOU!

Devin T.

HI MY AUDITION WENT ️‍🔥️‍🔥️‍🔥 For not really taking open classes as much as I wanted to, I felt strong and ready and just so capable

Jeanne-Marie B.

̶$̶̶5̶̶0̶̶1̶̶ $447

The Audition Season Bundle Terms of Use

Terms of Use



Please read the Terms of Use for the Program carefully and in their entirety before purchasing and using the TBB App (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program and its content are owned by The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


  • Definitions:



“Company”, “We”, “I”, “Our”, or “Us” means The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


“Participation”, “Participating”, “Using”, or “Use” means reading, implementing, trying, or otherwise engaging in the Program.


“Program” means the TBB App.


“You”, “Your”, “User” or “Client” means the purchaser and person using the Program.


  1. Consent:

By participating in the Program, you implicitly and voluntarily agree to act in accordance with, agree to, and abide by, these Terms of Use.



By participating in the Program, you understand that Lili Pfeifer is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Exercise Specialist. 


We are not medical doctors, psychologists/psychiatrists, or other licensed medical professionals. You are expected to discuss any changes to your health, diet, or exercise regimen with your physician or another medical professional before trying them.


This Program is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided in this Program is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.


Although we do our best to make sure all of the Program’s content is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the Program’s information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your diet, lifestyle, exercise regimen, or supplement routine with your medical professional.


  1. Assumption of the Risk

By participating in the Program, you are assuming the risk of participating in it and agree to only participate if medically cleared to do so. We are not responsible or liable for your participation in the Program.


You should use your best judgment in using the information provided in the Program, which is done at your own risk. It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using the Program or its content. You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the Program. 


  1. Intellectual Property Ownership:

The Program and its content, including, but not limited to, Training Program, Exercises, Video Demonstrations, and Exercise Descriptions are intellectual property owned by Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC.  Any violations of this term, and all terms contained herein, will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Any use of the Company’s intellectual property may not be used in connection with the sale or distribution of any product, program, and/or service by you, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


Misappropriation or unauthorized use of the Company’s intellectual property and/or trade secrets may result in the enforcement of an infringement and/or intellectual property theft action against you in an effort to recover damages and/or protect our intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to pursue an action for misappropriation, theft, or improper use of its intellectual property by the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s representatives, assigns, contractors, employees, or acquaintances. 


  1. No Sharing:

You cannot distribute, copy, forward, and/or share the Program or its content with anyone else. Any violations of these Terms of Use will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


You may not share your password or login information with anyone. If you share your password or login with anyone who did not purchase the Program, you will be removed from the Program immediately and no refund will be issued. 


  1. No Claims Made Regarding Results:

Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by us are simply that: examples. They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results. Each person and their circumstances are unique and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience the same results as another client of ours. 


  1. DISCLAIMER - No Warranties, Guarantees, or Representations Are Being Made:

We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the Program in any way including, but not limited to, your future income, sales, potential, profitability, or losses derived as a result of your use of the Program. The Program is offered â€śAS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the Program.


  1. Your Release of Us, Indemnification, Hold Harmless:


To the fullest extent permitted by law, The Barbell Ballerina LLC expressly disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, and/or consequential damages suffered by you related to your purchase or use of, or participation in, the Program, its materials, our website, or any other information obtained by you from us. By enrolling in the Program, you hereby agree to this limitation of liability and release The Barbell Ballerina LLC from any and all claims.


By participating in and/or purchasing the Program, you agree to release, forgive, forever discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC, our subsidiaries, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, shareholders, directors, officers, coaches, assignees, licensees, and affiliates from any and all claims, suits, actions, charges, demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, and/or costs, related to, or arising out of, your purchase of or participation in the Program and/or your breach of any obligation, warranty, covenant, or representation set forth in these Terms of Use. 


By enrolling in the Program, you agree to release us from any and all claims, and further agree to at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC as stated in this section herein.


  1. Our Refund Policy:




We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction. Due to the downloadable nature of the Program, refunds will not be issued for the Program once it is purchased. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].




The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit card and/or form of payment (ie, PayPal) for any reason whatsoever related to the Program. In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account. 



If you have any complaint or should any issue arise in the use of the Program, please contact us directly first by emailing Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].


However, if we are unable to amicably resolve your dispute in that manner, you agree that you and Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC shall submit your dispute to binding arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, before an arbitrator that is mutually agreed upon, in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) rules.


By agreeing to this term, you hereby agree and understand that you’re waiving your right to a jury trial in court, which would otherwise be available to you if not for this Arbitration Clause. Should any arbitration hearing need to be held, it shall be held within 20 miles of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


If the arbitrator issues an award and a judgment is made, the judgment will be binding and will be entered in court in the State of Minnesota. The only award that can be issued to you is a refund of any payment made to The Barbell Ballerina LLC for the applicable Program. You are not permitted to seek additional damages, including consequential or punitive damages.


  1. Limitation of Liability:

Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC are not responsible or liable in any way for any and all damages you receive directly or indirectly from your participation in the Program. We do not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) the Program or its content, due to any act, or failure to act, by you. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.




General Payment Terms


When you pay for the Program by credit card, you authorize and give permission to The Barbell Ballerina LLC to charge your credit or debit card for the amount owed for payment of the Program. When you purchase the Program, your information (i.e. credit card and contact info) may be collected by the third-party merchant Kajabi, Paypal, or Stripe (depending on the payment method you choose at checkout), who may have privacy policies or security practices that are different than ours. The Barbell Ballerina LLC is not responsible for the merchant’s independent policies or practices.


Payment Plan Terms / Failed Payment Procedures


Should you choose to purchase the Program via one of our payment plan options at checkout (hereinafter the “Payment Plan”), you are hereby consenting to your credit card being automatically charged 4 weeks apart until canceled for the Monthly Subscription or 48 weeks apart for the Annual Subscription.


If you choose the Payment Plan to purchase the Program, you hereby authorize and give permission to The Barbell Ballerina to automatically charge your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account, as payment for the Program, for which you will receive an electronic receipt, at the time and interval in which payment is due without any additional authorization from you


We will not contact you to seek any additional authorization, approval, or permission before charging your card for each installment of the Payment Plan.


By choosing the Payment Plan, you agree and understand that ALL monthly or annual payments are owed in full. There are no exceptions. No refund requests or stop payments will be granted or accepted.


Failed Payment Plan Payments / Re-charge procedures:


By signing up for the payment plan, your card will automatically be re-charged up to 4 times over 3 weeks. Please plan accordingly.


If your payment-plan payment fails on the 1st attempt:

In the event that your Payment Plan payment is not successfully made on your due date, your credit card will automatically be re-charged up to 4 times over 3 weeks. 


On the 1st attempt your account will be deactivated until your payment is successful. 


If 2nd and 3rd attempts are unsuccessful, your account will remain locked.


4th and final attempt to make payment:

The 4th attempt is the final attempt to collect your payment and remain in active standing. If the 4th payment fails, you will be permanently removed from the Program and no refund will be given. 


Email [email protected] if you have any issues logging back into your account once payment has been successful.


When choosing the payment plan options, you consent to being responsible for ALL payments owed under the Program terms.


In the event you are already enrolled in the Monthly Subscription and want to switch to the Annual Subscription, due to our automations, your program will start from the beginning and you will lose any progress on a previous program. Consult Lili at [email protected] if you need help with this process.


Should you choose to cancel your subscription, your account will be deactivated simultaneously at the time of cancellation and you will be unable to log back into your account. If the cancellation request occurs after your account has been charged, no refund will be granted.

  1.   Severability 


The provisions of these Terms of Use shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision hereof. If any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause of these Terms of Use shall be adjudged illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall have no effect on the Terms of Use as a whole or on any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause hereof not expressly so adjudged.


  1. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use contain the entire agreement between you and the Company. There are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement (oral or written) between you and the Company.

  1. Choice of Law + Venue

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from these Terms shall be brought within the Minnesota, County of Hennepin.

By purchasing and/or participating in the Program, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms in these Terms of Use.


Terms of Use



Please read the Terms of Use for the Program carefully and in their entirety before purchasing and using JUMPstart (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program and its content are owned by The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


  • Definitions:



“Company”, “We”, “I”, “Our”, or “Us” means The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


“Participation”, “Participating”, “Using”, or “Use” means reading, implementing, trying, or otherwise engaging in the Program.


“Program” means JUMPstart.


“You”, “Your”, “User” or “Client” means the purchaser and person using the Program.


  1. Consent:

By participating in the Program, you implicitly and voluntarily agree to act in accordance with, agree to, and abide by, these Terms of Use.



By participating in the Program, you understand that Lili Pfeifer is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Exercise Specialist. 


We are not medical doctors, psychologists/psychiatrists, or other licensed medical professionals. You are expected to discuss any changes to your health, diet, or exercise regimen with your physician or another medical professional before trying them.


This Program is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided in this Program is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.


Although we do our best to make sure all of the Program’s content is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the Program’s information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your diet, lifestyle, exercise regimen, or supplement routine with your medical professional.


  1. Assumption of the Risk

By participating in the Program, you are assuming the risk of participating in it and agree to only participate if medically cleared to do so. We are not responsible or liable for your participation in the Program.


You should use your best judgment in using the information provided in the Program, which is done at your own risk. It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using the Program or its content. You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the Program. 


  1. Intellectual Property Ownership:

The Program and its content, including, but not limited to, Training Program, Exercises, Video Demonstrations, Exercise Descriptions, PDF downloads, Modules, and Educational Videos are intellectual property owned by Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC.  Any violations of this term, and all terms contained herein, will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Any use of the Company’s intellectual property may not be used in connection with the sale or distribution of any product, program, and/or service by you, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


Misappropriation or unauthorized use of the Company’s intellectual property and/or trade secrets may result in the enforcement of an infringement and/or intellectual property theft action against you in an effort to recover damages and/or protect our intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to pursue an action for misappropriation, theft, or improper use of its intellectual property by the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s representatives, assigns, contractors, employees, or acquaintances. 


  1. No Sharing:

You cannot distribute, copy, forward, and/or share the Program or its content with anyone else. Any violations of these Terms of Use will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


You may not share your password or login information with anyone. If you share your password or login with anyone who did not purchase the Program, you will be removed from the Program immediately and no refund will be issued. 


  1. No Claims Made Regarding Results:

Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by us are simply that: examples. They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results. Each person and their circumstances are unique and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience the same results as another client of ours. 


  1. DISCLAIMER - No Warranties, Guarantees, or Representations Are Being Made:

We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the Program in any way including, but not limited to, your future income, sales, potential, profitability, or losses derived as a result of your use of the Program. The Program is offered â€śAS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the Program.


  1. Your Release of Us, Indemnification, Hold Harmless:


To the fullest extent permitted by law, The Barbell Ballerina LLC expressly disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, and/or consequential damages suffered by you related to your purchase or use of, or participation in, the Program, its materials, our website, or any other information obtained by you from us. By enrolling in the Program, you hereby agree to this limitation of liability and release The Barbell Ballerina LLC from any and all claims.


By participating in and/or purchasing the Program, you agree to release, forgive, forever discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC, our subsidiaries, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, shareholders, directors, officers, coaches, assignees, licensees, and affiliates from any and all claims, suits, actions, charges, demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, and/or costs, related to, or arising out of, your purchase of or participation in the Program and/or your breach of any obligation, warranty, covenant, or representation set forth in these Terms of Use. 


By enrolling in the Program, you agree to release us from any and all claims, and further agree to at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC as stated in this section herein.


  1. Our Refund Policy:






We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction. Due to the downloadable nature of the Program, refunds will not be issued for the Program once it is purchased. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].






The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit card and/or form of payment (ie, PayPal) for any reason whatsoever related to the Program. In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account. 



If you have any complaint or should any issue arise in the use of the Program, please contact us directly first by emailing Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].


However, if we are unable to amicably resolve your dispute in that manner, you agree that you and Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC shall submit your dispute to binding arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, before an arbitrator that is mutually agreed upon, in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) rules.


By agreeing to this term, you hereby agree and understand that you’re waiving your right to a jury trial in court, which would otherwise be available to you if not for this Arbitration Clause. Should any arbitration hearing need to be held, it shall be held within 20 miles of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


If the arbitrator issues an award and a judgment is made, the judgment will be binding and will be entered in court in the State of Minnesota. The only award that can be issued to you is a refund of any payment made to The Barbell Ballerina LLC for the applicable Program. You are not permitted to seek additional damages, including consequential or punitive damages.


  1. Limitation of Liability:

Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC are not responsible or liable in any way for any and all damages you receive directly or indirectly from your participation in the Program. We do not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) the Program or its content, due to any act, or failure to act, by you. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.




General Payment Terms: 


When you pay for the Program by credit card, you authorize and give permission to The Barbell Ballerina LLC to charge your credit or debit card for the amount owed for payment of the Program. When you purchase the Program, your information (i.e. credit card and contact info) may be collected by the third-party merchant Kajabi, Paypal, or Stripe (depending on the payment method you choose at checkout), who may have privacy policies or security practices that are different than ours. The Barbell Ballerina LLC is not responsible for the merchant’s independent policies or practices.


  1.   Severability 


The provisions of these Terms of Use shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision hereof. If any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause of these Terms of Use shall be adjudged illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall have no effect on the Terms of Use as a whole or on any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause hereof not expressly so adjudged.


  1. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use contain the entire agreement between you and the Company. There are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement (oral or written) between you and the Company.

  1. Choice of Law + Venue

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from these Terms shall be brought within the Minnesota, County of Hennepin.

By purchasing and/or participating in the Program, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms in these Terms of Use.


Terms of Use

Foot and Ankle Foundations


Please read the Terms of Use for the Program carefully and in their entirety before purchasing and using Foot and Ankle Foundations (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program and its content are owned by The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


  • Definitions:



“Company”, “We”, “I”, “Our”, or “Us” means The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


“Participation”, “Participating”, “Using”, or “Use” means reading, implementing, trying, or otherwise engaging in the Program.


“Program” means Foot and Ankle Foundations.


“You”, “Your”, “User” or “Client” means the purchaser and person using the Program.


  1. Consent:

By participating in the Program, you implicitly and voluntarily agree to act in accordance with, agree to, and abide by, these Terms of Use.



By participating in the Program, you understand that Lili Pfeifer is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Exercise Specialist. 


We are not medical doctors, psychologists/psychiatrists, or other licensed medical professionals. You are expected to discuss any changes to your health, diet, or exercise regimen with your physician or another medical professional before trying them.


This Program is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided in this Program is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.


Although we do our best to make sure all of the Program’s content is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the Program’s information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your diet, lifestyle, exercise regimen, or supplement routine with your medical professional.


  1. Assumption of the Risk

By participating in the Program, you are assuming the risk of participating in it and agree to only participate if medically cleared to do so. We are not responsible or liable for your participation in the Program.


You should use your best judgment in using the information provided in the Program, which is done at your own risk. It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using the Program or its content. You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the Program. 


  1. Intellectual Property Ownership:

The Program and its content, including, but not limited to, Training Program, Exercises, Video Demonstrations, Exercise Descriptions, PDF downloads, Modules, and Educational Videos are intellectual property owned by Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC.  Any violations of this term, and all terms contained herein, will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Any use of the Company’s intellectual property may not be used in connection with the sale or distribution of any product, program, and/or service by you, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


Misappropriation or unauthorized use of the Company’s intellectual property and/or trade secrets may result in the enforcement of an infringement and/or intellectual property theft action against you in an effort to recover damages and/or protect our intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to pursue an action for misappropriation, theft, or improper use of its intellectual property by the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s representatives, assigns, contractors, employees, or acquaintances. 


  1. No Sharing:

You cannot distribute, copy, forward, and/or share the Program or its content with anyone else. Any violations of these Terms of Use will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


You may not share your password or login information with anyone. If you share your password or login with anyone who did not purchase the Program, you will be removed from the Program immediately and no refund will be issued. 


  1. No Claims Made Regarding Results:

Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by us are simply that: examples. They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results. Each person and their circumstances are unique and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience the same results as another client of ours. 


  1. DISCLAIMER - No Warranties, Guarantees, or Representations Are Being Made:

We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the Program in any way including, but not limited to, your future income, sales, potential, profitability, or losses derived as a result of your use of the Program. The Program is offered â€śAS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the Program.


  1. Your Release of Us, Indemnification, Hold Harmless:


To the fullest extent permitted by law, The Barbell Ballerina LLC expressly disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, and/or consequential damages suffered by you related to your purchase or use of, or participation in, the Program, its materials, our website, or any other information obtained by you from us. By enrolling in the Program, you hereby agree to this limitation of liability and release The Barbell Ballerina LLC from any and all claims.


By participating in and/or purchasing the Program, you agree to release, forgive, forever discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC, our subsidiaries, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, shareholders, directors, officers, coaches, assignees, licensees, and affiliates from any and all claims, suits, actions, charges, demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, and/or costs, related to, or arising out of, your purchase of or participation in the Program and/or your breach of any obligation, warranty, covenant, or representation set forth in these Terms of Use. 


By enrolling in the Program, you agree to release us from any and all claims, and further agree to at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC as stated in this section herein.


  1. Our Refund Policy:






We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction. Due to the downloadable nature of the Program, refunds will not be issued for the Program once it is purchased. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].






The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit card and/or form of payment (ie, PayPal) for any reason whatsoever related to the Program. In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account. 



If you have any complaint or should any issue arise in the use of the Program, please contact us directly first by emailing Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].


However, if we are unable to amicably resolve your dispute in that manner, you agree that you and Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC shall submit your dispute to binding arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, before an arbitrator that is mutually agreed upon, in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) rules.


By agreeing to this term, you hereby agree and understand that you’re waiving your right to a jury trial in court, which would otherwise be available to you if not for this Arbitration Clause. Should any arbitration hearing need to be held, it shall be held within 20 miles of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


If the arbitrator issues an award and a judgment is made, the judgment will be binding and will be entered in court in the State of Minnesota. The only award that can be issued to you is a refund of any payment made to The Barbell Ballerina LLC for the applicable Program. You are not permitted to seek additional damages, including consequential or punitive damages.


  1. Limitation of Liability:

Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC are not responsible or liable in any way for any and all damages you receive directly or indirectly from your participation in the Program. We do not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) the Program or its content, due to any act, or failure to act, by you. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.




General Payment Terms: 


When you pay for the Program by credit card, you authorize and give permission to The Barbell Ballerina LLC to charge your credit or debit card for the amount owed for payment of the Program. When you purchase the Program, your information (i.e. credit card and contact info) may be collected by the third-party merchant Kajabi, Paypal, or Stripe (depending on the payment method you choose at checkout), who may have privacy policies or security practices that are different than ours. The Barbell Ballerina LLC is not responsible for the merchant’s independent policies or practices.


  1.   Severability 


The provisions of these Terms of Use shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision hereof. If any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause of these Terms of Use shall be adjudged illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall have no effect on the Terms of Use as a whole or on any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause hereof not expressly so adjudged.


  1. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use contain the entire agreement between you and the Company. There are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement (oral or written) between you and the Company.

  1. Choice of Law + Venue

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from these Terms shall be brought within the Minnesota, County of Hennepin.

By purchasing and/or participating in the Program, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms in these Terms of Use.


Terms of Use

Audition Season Survival Guide


Please read the Terms of Use for the Program carefully and in their entirety before purchasing and using the Audition Season Survival Guide (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program and its content are owned by The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


  • Definitions:



“Company”, “We”, “I”, “Our”, or “Us” means The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


“Participation”, “Participating”, “Using”, or “Use” means reading, implementing, trying, or otherwise engaging in the Program.


“Program” means Audition Season Survival Guide.


“You”, “Your”, “User” or “Client” means the purchaser and person using the Program.


  1. Consent:

By participating in the Program, you implicitly and voluntarily agree to act in accordance with, agree to, and abide by, these Terms of Use.



By participating in the Program, you understand that Lili Pfeifer is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Exercise Specialist.


We are not medical doctors, psychologists/psychiatrists, or other licensed medical professionals. You are expected to discuss any changes to your health, diet, or exercise regimen with your physician or another medical professional before trying them.


This Program is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided in this Program is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.


Although we do our best to make sure all of the Program’s content is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the Program’s information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your diet, lifestyle, exercise regimen, or supplement routine with your medical professional.


  1. Assumption of the Risk

You should use your best judgment in using the information provided in the Program, which is done at your own risk. It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using the Program or its content. You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the Program. 


  1. Intellectual Property Ownership:

The Program and its content, including, but not limited to, compilations of summer intensives, college dance programs, companies, insights and tools for audition preparation, resume and cover letter templates, interview question lists, and checklists for dancers are intellectual property owned by Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC.  Any violations of this term, and all terms contained herein, will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Any use of the Company’s intellectual property may not be used in connection with the sale or distribution of any product, program, and/or service by you, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


Misappropriation or unauthorized use of the Company’s intellectual property and/or trade secrets may result in the enforcement of an infringement and/or intellectual property theft action against you in an effort to recover damages and/or protect our intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to pursue an action for misappropriation, theft, or improper use of its intellectual property by the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s representatives, assigns, contractors, employees, or acquaintances. 


  1. No Sharing:

You cannot distribute, copy, forward, and/or share the Program or its content with anyone else. Any violations of these Terms of Use will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


  1. No Claims Made Regarding Results:

Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by us are simply that: examples. They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results. Each person and their circumstances are unique and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience the same results as another client of ours. 


  1. DISCLAIMER - No Warranties, Guarantees, or Representations Are Being Made:

We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the Program in any way including, but not limited to, your future income, sales, potential, profitability, or losses derived as a result of your use of the Program. The Program is offered “AS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the Program.


  1. Your Release of Us, Indemnification, Hold Harmless:


To the fullest extent permitted by law, The Barbell Ballerina LLC expressly disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, and/or consequential damages suffered by you related to your purchase or use of, or participation in, the Program, its materials, our website, or any other information obtained by you from us. By enrolling in the Program, you hereby agree to this limitation of liability and release The Barbell Ballerina LLC from any and all claims.


By participating in and/or purchasing the Program, you agree to release, forgive, forever discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC, our subsidiaries, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, shareholders, directors, officers, coaches, assignees, licensees, and affiliates from any and all claims, suits, actions, charges, demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, and/or costs, related to, or arising out of, your purchase of or participation in the Program and/or your breach of any obligation, warranty, covenant, or representation set forth in these Terms of Use. 


By enrolling in the Program, you agree to release us from any and all claims, and further agree to at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC as stated in this section herein.


  1. Our Refund Policy:






We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction. Due to the downloadable nature of the Program, refunds will not be issued for the Program once it is purchased. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].






The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit card and/or form of payment (ie, PayPal) for any reason whatsoever related to the Program. In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account. 



If you have any complaint or should any issue arise in the use of the Program, please contact us directly first by emailing Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].


However, if we are unable to amicably resolve your dispute in that manner, you agree that you and Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC shall submit your dispute to binding arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, before an arbitrator that is mutually agreed upon, in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) rules.


By agreeing to this term, you hereby agree and understand that you’re waiving your right to a jury trial in court, which would otherwise be available to you if not for this Arbitration Clause. Should any arbitration hearing need to be held, it shall be held within 20 miles of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


If the arbitrator issues an award and a judgment is made, the judgment will be binding and will be entered in court in the State of Minnesota. The only award that can be issued to you is a refund of any payment made to The Barbell Ballerina LLC for the applicable Program. You are not permitted to seek additional damages, including consequential or punitive damages.


  1. Limitation of Liability:

Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC are not responsible or liable in any way for any and all damages you receive directly or indirectly from your participation in the Program. We do not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) the Program or its content, due to any act, or failure to act, by you. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.




  1. General Payment Terms


When you pay for the Program by credit card, you authorize and give permission to The Barbell Ballerina LLC to charge your credit or debit card for the amount owed for payment of the Program. When you purchase the Program, your information (i.e. credit card and contact info) may be collected by the third-party merchant Kajabi, Paypal, or Stripe (depending on the payment method you choose at checkout), who may have privacy policies or security practices that are different than ours. The Barbell Ballerina LLC is not responsible for the merchant’s independent policies or practices.

  1.   Severability 


The provisions of these Terms of Use shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision hereof. If any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause of these Terms of Use shall be adjudged illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall have no effect on the Terms of Use as a whole or on any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause hereof not expressly so adjudged.


  1. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use contain the entire agreement between you and the Company. There are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement (oral or written) between you and the Company.

  1. Choice of Law + Venue

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from these Terms shall be brought within the Minnesota, County of Hennepin.

By purchasing and/or participating in the Program, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms in these Terms of Use.

Terms of Use

Mindset Magic


Please read the Terms of Use for the Program carefully and in their entirety before purchasing and using Mindset Magic (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The Program and its content are owned by The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


  • Definitions:



“Company”, “We”, “I”, “Our”, or “Us” means The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


“Participation”, “Participating”, “Using”, or “Use” means reading, implementing, trying, or otherwise engaging in the Program.


“Program” means Mindset Magic.


“You”, “Your”, “User” or “Client” means the purchaser and person using the Program.


  1. Consent:

By participating in the Program, you implicitly and voluntarily agree to act in accordance with, agree to, and abide by, these Terms of Use.



By participating in the Program, you understand that Lili Pfeifer is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Exercise Specialist.


We are not medical doctors, psychologists/psychiatrists, or other licensed medical professionals. You are expected to discuss any changes to your health, diet, or exercise regimen with your physician or another medical professional before trying them.


This Program is for informational and educational purposes only. The information and education provided in this Program is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis.


Although we do our best to make sure all of the Program’s content is up to date and/or accurate, we do not make any representation that all the information is accurate or free of errors at all times. We do not assume any responsibility for accuracy of the Program’s information, or its safety or efficacy as it applies to you. You should review any and all changes to your diet, lifestyle, exercise regimen, or supplement routine with your medical professional.


  1. Assumption of the Risk

You should use your best judgment in using the information provided in the Program, which is done at your own risk. It is your responsibility to discern the risk of using the Program or its content. You assume responsibility for your actions, choices, or lack thereof, related to the Program. 


  1. Intellectual Property Ownership:

The Program and its content, including, but not limited to, journal prompts and affirmations for dancers are intellectual property owned by Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC.  Any violations of this term, and all terms contained herein, will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Any use of the Company’s intellectual property may not be used in connection with the sale or distribution of any product, program, and/or service by you, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of The Barbell Ballerina LLC.


Misappropriation or unauthorized use of the Company’s intellectual property and/or trade secrets may result in the enforcement of an infringement and/or intellectual property theft action against you in an effort to recover damages and/or protect our intellectual property rights. The Company reserves the right to pursue an action for misappropriation, theft, or improper use of its intellectual property by the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s representatives, assigns, contractors, employees, or acquaintances. 


  1. No Sharing:

You cannot distribute, copy, forward, and/or share the Program or its content with anyone else. Any violations of these Terms of Use will be legally pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.


  1. No Claims Made Regarding Results:

Any and all current or past-client testimonials, statements, or examples used by us are simply that: examples. They are not guarantees that you will also experience or receive the same results. Each person and their circumstances are unique and nothing shall be interpreted as a guarantee that you will experience the same results as another client of ours. 


  1. DISCLAIMER - No Warranties, Guarantees, or Representations Are Being Made:

We do not offer any representations, guarantees, or warranties, of any variety, regarding the Program in any way including, but not limited to, your future income, sales, potential, profitability, or losses derived as a result of your use of the Program. The Program is offered “AS IS” and without representations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, neither express nor implied, to the extent permitted by law.  We are not liable for damages of any kind related to your use of the Program.


  1. Your Release of Us, Indemnification, Hold Harmless:


To the fullest extent permitted by law, The Barbell Ballerina LLC expressly disclaims liability for any direct, indirect, and/or consequential damages suffered by you related to your purchase or use of, or participation in, the Program, its materials, our website, or any other information obtained by you from us. By enrolling in the Program, you hereby agree to this limitation of liability and release The Barbell Ballerina LLC from any and all claims.


By participating in and/or purchasing the Program, you agree to release, forgive, forever discharge, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC, our subsidiaries, employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, shareholders, directors, officers, coaches, assignees, licensees, and affiliates from any and all claims, suits, actions, charges, demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, and/or costs, related to, or arising out of, your purchase of or participation in the Program and/or your breach of any obligation, warranty, covenant, or representation set forth in these Terms of Use. 


By enrolling in the Program, you agree to release us from any and all claims, and further agree to at all times defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Barbell Ballerina LLC as stated in this section herein.


  1. Our Refund Policy:






We will do everything within our ability (and within reason) to ensure your satisfaction. Due to the downloadable nature of the Program, refunds will not be issued for the Program once it is purchased. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to make your experience a more pleasant one, please email Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].






The Client will not, under any circumstances, issue or threaten to issue any chargebacks to the Company or to the Client’s credit card and/or form of payment (ie, PayPal) for any reason whatsoever related to the Program. In the event of a chargeback, the Company reserves its right to report it to the credit bureaus as a delinquent account. 



If you have any complaint or should any issue arise in the use of the Program, please contact us directly first by emailing Lili Pfeifer at [email protected].


However, if we are unable to amicably resolve your dispute in that manner, you agree that you and Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC shall submit your dispute to binding arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, before an arbitrator that is mutually agreed upon, in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) rules.


By agreeing to this term, you hereby agree and understand that you’re waiving your right to a jury trial in court, which would otherwise be available to you if not for this Arbitration Clause. Should any arbitration hearing need to be held, it shall be held within 20 miles of Minneapolis, Minnesota.


If the arbitrator issues an award and a judgment is made, the judgment will be binding and will be entered in court in the State of Minnesota. The only award that can be issued to you is a refund of any payment made to The Barbell Ballerina LLC for the applicable Program. You are not permitted to seek additional damages, including consequential or punitive damages.


  1. Limitation of Liability:

Lili Pfeifer and The Barbell Ballerina LLC are not responsible or liable in any way for any and all damages you receive directly or indirectly from your participation in the Program. We do not assume liability for damages, injuries, harm, death, misuse of (or failure to properly use) the Program or its content, due to any act, or failure to act, by you. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.




  1. General Payment Terms


When you pay for the Program by credit card, you authorize and give permission to The Barbell Ballerina LLC to charge your credit or debit card for the amount owed for payment of the Program. When you purchase the Program, your information (i.e. credit card and contact info) may be collected by the third-party merchant Kajabi, Paypal, or Stripe (depending on the payment method you choose at checkout), who may have privacy policies or security practices that are different than ours. The Barbell Ballerina LLC is not responsible for the merchant’s independent policies or practices.

  1.   Severability 


The provisions of these Terms of Use shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision hereof. If any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause of these Terms of Use shall be adjudged illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability shall have no effect on the Terms of Use as a whole or on any Section, subsection, sentence, or clause hereof not expressly so adjudged.


  1. Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use contain the entire agreement between you and the Company. There are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement (oral or written) between you and the Company.

  1. Choice of Law + Venue

These Terms of Use shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any action brought by any party arising out of or from these Terms shall be brought within the Minnesota, County of Hennepin.

By purchasing and/or participating in the Program, you implicitly signify your agreement to all of the terms in these Terms of Use.


If you have any questions about the Terms of Use, please contact Lili Pfeifer at [email protected]. Thank you.