
There’s no doubt you’re the hardest worker in the room. But you know your jumps could be stronger. 

  • You’re tired of getting the same corrections over and over. 
  • You struggle keeping up with quick combinations. 
  • You’re not getting cast in any jumping roles. 
  • You lose steam during petit allegro. 
  • You’re frustrated that your leaps aren’t higher. 
  • You keep getting recurring injuries like achilles tendinitis or shin splints. 
  • And adding beats? Forget about it.

What you’re doing isn’t working. There is a missing piece to becoming the type of jumper you want to be. 

Stop the guesswork. Save the time and energy figuring it out on your own (doing 500 jumping jacks a day isn’t going to cut it). Save money from doctors’ visits and KT tape and biofreeze.

What you need is an exact step-by-step blueprint to get you from average to standout.

Leave directors and fellow dancers wondering how your jumps improved so quickly. Become the no-brainer casting decision for jumping roles. Bulletproof your body from injury for life.

JUMPstart is the fast track to achieving effortless jumps that transcend gravity. 

If you are ready to play the long game. To set yourself up for career longevity. To stand out as a strong jumper…JUMPstart is for you.

In this self-paced course you will receive 

10 video modules on the following topics:

  • How to achieve effortless quality jumps
  • How to boost your stamina in class and rehearsal
  • How to prevent injuries and promote career longevity for decades 
  • How to build confidence in jump combinations and choreography
  • How to generate more power and increase your jump height
  • How to improve your reaction time and precision in quick footwork
  • How to optimize pointe work in jumps
  • How to navigate landings and transitions with ease 
  • How to break old patterns and habits that are harming your jump technique
  • How to stand out as a strong jumper 


The EXACT exercises that will create this transformation, delivered via:

  • An ebook including 3 example workouts targeted specifically to jumps
  • A library of 50 exercise video demos
  • Form cues to perform each exercise safely and effectively

Delivered instantly upon purchase. 






© 2024 The Barbell Ballerina. All Rights Reserved.

$297.00 USD

Disclaimer: The information provided in this course is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. The Barbell Ballerina is not liable for injury sustained while participating in this course. The use of the information contained in this program is solely at your own risk. For best results, the course is best completed in combination with a full body strength training program. All purchases are nonrefundable. 

© 2024 The Barbell Ballerina. All Rights Reserved.

Add FOOT AND ANKLE foundations for $97

The perfect addition to JUMPstart, the FOOT AND ANKLE foundations course delivers the essential strengthening exercises to ensure maximum improvement in your jumps.